Vascular Laser Q&A

  • A vascular laser delivers a brief burst of light which targets blood vessels in the skin. When this light is absorbed, it causes the blood inside the vessels to solidify (coagulate). Over the next few weeks, the blood vessel is slowly absorbed by the body.

  • • Telangiectasias (tiny superficial red blood vessels) most noticeable in rosacea, sun damaged skin, and around the nose

    • Redness in scars (pink acne scars, stretch marks (striae distensae), and surgical scars, for example)

    • Angiomas (small cherry-red spots or harmless growths composed of blood vessels which can and very often do occur anywhere on the body)

    • Red birthmarks

    • The cosmetic (redness) component of rosacea (a hereditary condition resulting in skin redness, most commonly on the central forehead, nose, chin, and cheeks)

  • Most patients will require up to 3 to 6 treatment sessions spaced 6 weeks apart for optimal results, however, this is dependent on the extent and type of vascular lesions being treated and individual response to treatment.

  • The size of the area being treated determines how long the procedure takes. During the procedure, you may feel the mild sensation of tiny, hot rubber bands snapping against the skin, however, treatment is generally well tolerated due to the soothing effect of the contact cooling handpiece. Prescription strength numbing cream is also available, especially for treatment of sensitive areas.

  • Temporary bruising of the skin is often seen after a vascular laser treatment. Visible bruising can easily be covered up with makeup and usually resolves within a week. Proper UV protection and a gentle skin care regimen are highly encouraged after your laser treatment for optimal results.